Tuesday, March 27, 2007

nasleduhe zastavka: londyn

thanks folks... dave, i look forward to joyriding with you. just don't insist on switching seats when we get pulled over - i have a license to lose. although this government probably made it illegal in some anti-terror bill for anyone to have read this and not reported it to the apporpriate authorities. after all, the point of such a trip would be to assassinate gordon brown, stage a neo-fascist coup and annihilate hardworking british families using lesbian single parent muslim ninjas. innit.

and fifteen points if we run over that o'reilly bastard who runs the highly successful squeeze airline by which i come home tonight. packing is bad enough, but fixing it so that neither bag is over fifteen kilos. sorry, but i'm shedding presents all over the shop...

juuuuujjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj. and the zebra is back. the big one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

London welcomes careful drivers.

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so will there be an address to which one can write long letters perhaps?

9:56 AM  
Blogger chris said...

yes, i am back chez parents.

there's a letter to you stuck in a bag in bratislava, in a super-useful notebook which in my panic i didn't manage to bring with me. but i(so, you)'ll have it soon. looking forward to hearing about tanzania

10:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hmph. I wish I were in London. All I have here is sunny days and palm trees and surfing and. . . and. . . well, I miss London notwithstanding.

We misses you and sends kisses too.

P.S. I am commuting to Tijuana for the next 4 weekends to work on a dance project. How internationally cool am I?

1:06 AM  
Blogger chris said...

london has hart house, it's true. and hart house looks somewhat as though we are still living there. miss there as i have done, the walk from camberwell green is longer than ever.

they have a spinning wheel now, but i think you know that.

2:34 AM  

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