Monday, November 06, 2006

(soon to be) absent friends

what different paths people's lives take...

also, saw dancer in the dark the other day. what a completely unexpected film.


Blogger goosefat101 said...

I think Dancer in the dark is good, is that what you're saying?

Sometimes I just can't tell.

6:01 AM  
Blogger chris said...

The Folling Comment Contains Spoilers. Don't read it if you wish to see Dancer in the Dark.

I think is good any film which pulls people in with Bjork and makes them watch a magnificent piece of Capital Punishment is Inhuman. And I almost loved the daydreams. No, they were great, but the first went so on that I began to feel it was satirical.

The gender dimensions were also very fine - the entire tragedy could have been avoided if Bill and Linda hadn't been locked into such destructive roles. And poor Jeff.

The way Selma slid between sanity, coherence and compassion and stubbornness, surreal despair and compassion was a joy to watch, and I must say watching it starting at 2am may have added to the experience.

It managed to damn us all, some more gently than others. What an absurd amount most of us do to end up with a glimpse of the feelings we think we'd enjoy. On the one hand, no comparison. On the other, every minute spent working, eating, shitting, sleeping, etc is all the triumph of our animal over what we pretend makes us special and human. And you're right, maybe there is nothing wrong with that.

8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least Saddam still has some supporters.

I understand the new man at the Pentagon started out as an entry level employee at the CIA, and rose to be its head. It occurred to me that you are still working towards being an entry level employee at the UN.

10:50 AM  
Blogger jenglo said...

dancer in the dark is the most traumatic film I've ever seen. But then I am a HUGE Bjork fan, and the 'immediate' way in which the film is shot doesn't allow for any distance between fiction and reality - in other words, Selma doesn't get killed, Bjork does! But then that is, I guess, what Von Trier intended.
You asked me what my dissertation was about. Well, to all intents and purposes, it was about Bjork! I have to confess to writing an uncompromisingly postmodern (...except that's an oxymoron isn't it...??) piece on subjectivity in cyberspace and the effects of the posthuman on gender, illustrated by the music videos of Bjork! Hope I wasn't letting the side down... Can't quite understand why anyone would want that published...

1:46 PM  

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