Thursday, September 21, 2006

Calling all comrades who live in bumping distance of the Blue Elephant in Camberwell: go to see this: It's a play, unlike most plays I've seen, and it's fantastic. I don't do reviews so well, so it's enough to say take the chance if you have it. It is a little hypnotising and held my attention somewhere hinting, between clarity and a tease. And the set is superfun. It's also made by someone who once shared a room with me and got kept awake for ages as a song was written.

Several of you know this theatre - we saw Billy Jenkins read the blues there. I'd go if I were in London. Incidentally, I will be in London during the last week of October and beginning of November, dates when I have them.

That's all, except to say ------------------------------

[funky clap]

nope, you missed it. .. i sigh, it's hard to find the staff nowadays... you know why? because everyone gets a glowing, nicely-nicely reference which tells -- but now is not the time for that.


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